Posted on by Total Gym

It's officially the holiday season with everything that comes with it including ongoing to-do lists that constantly consume the hours of your day. The struggles of buying all your gifts, decorating your house, and making it to all your holiday parties doesn’t leave you much time to work off those sneaky holiday pounds that seem to creep onto your unwanted areas.

But there is a solution!

Here is a quick, but challenging, total body circuit that can be done in a pinch (not Grinch) of time on your Total Gym equipment. This recipe for a fast total-body workout will focus on full-body movements that tone you up from head to toe in a quick and timely manner. This type of workout is circuit-based and will blast off any extra calorie indulgences from holiday feasting!

*Do each exercise for one minute, without rest, then move to the next exercise.

* Repeat circuit 2-3 times (Depending on time).

*Total Time: 1x through should take no more than 10 min. to complete.

Total Gym Holiday Circuit

Incline 1 –  Lateral lunges (could add weights, med balls for extra challenge)

Incline 1 – Reverse lunges (could add weights, med balls for extra challenge)

Incline 1 – Knees tucks: plank (hands on floor, toes on glideboard) bringing knees to chest

Incline 3-5 – Kneeling back rows, face tower

Incline 3-5 – Kneeling bicep curls, face tower¦ add static equilibrium (one arm at a time)

Incline 3-5 – Kneeling tricep extensions, face tower⦠add static equilibrium (one arm at a time)

Incline 3-5 – Ab crunch with arm circles: supine, head towards tower

Incline 3-5 – Lat raises with knees up/ head down- focus on abs and shoulders

Incline 3-8 – Back extensions, lie prone (chest down on glideboard), head towards tower


This workout will maximize your muscles, work to burn off the extra calories, tone you up in no time¦ and still leave YOU time to shop, decorate, and party your hot body off!


Maria Sollon Scally MS, CSCS holds a Masters Degree in Performance Enhancement/ Injury Prevention and Kinesiology. She has obtained numerous certifications in various areas of fitness and is a national fitness conference presenter. Maria specializes in Pilates, Performance Coaching, and Corrective Exercise Techniques. She is a Master Trainer for Total Gym, Resist-a-Ball, Body Blade, and Peak Pilates.  Maria teaches traditional and progressive fitness classes throughout Southeast Florida. She has also added her own brand of classes suited for her more advanced training clients. Maria is also active in freelance writing for Fitness accredited magazines.